Monday, December 3, 2012

Thing 23: Creative Commons

Creative Commons is somewhat of a "soft copyright". Click that link for a better explanation than what I can offer. But we all know that in this day and age, information is just out there for the taking. This doesn't necessarily mean that people who work hard to create something want for others just to take it, modify it or heaven forbid re-distribute it as their own. Hence Creative Commons! 

Thing 23 asked me to find evidence that the Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers blog was based on someone else's work and modified from its original. I decided to start from the beginning. I clicked on Thing 1 and from the get go it links you to a tutorial that is credited to someone else. The 23 Things is basically a blog as well as a compilation of other people's work.

How will I use my knowledge of Creative Commons in the future as a teacher? Well the very simple answer is for lesson plans. I intend to come up with some pretty banging lesson plans and if fellow teachers want to use it, that is GREAT! Just don't steal my work and call it yours is all I ask.

Question of the Day: Do you think you would ever need to use Creative Commons for anything?

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