Monday, December 3, 2012

Thing 24...or 23 1/2...AHHH

AHH! So it was called 23 Things, but alas, there is a Thing 24. Or Thing 23 1/2. However you want to do it...for this last one I am going to copy and paste the questions. If you'd like to see what I have to say about my experience feel free to read ahead! If not, and if you've not checked out some of my other entries, go back and take a peek at them. This has been a semester long project and although it's been fun, I'm ready to be done and focus back on my food blog!

1. Please give us some feedback by reflecting on your learning journey in one more blog posting. Here are some questions to guide you:
  • What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? 
            -I must say that anything I was able to log in with Google was the best for me. Although it was fun playing around with new tools, I did not like having to sign up for so many things that I may not use again.
  • How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals?
          -I do have greater aspirations to find everything that the web has to offer now. I imagine there are and will be many tools out there that will aid me on my path to becoming a great teacher.
  • Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
         -I thought I knew about everything Google had to offer, so I was quite surprised to see just how much there really is out there.
  • What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
         -Don't make us sign up for so many accounts!
  • How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher?
       -I will definitely be relying more on technology than I previously might have.
  • How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful.
       -Google searches! Good gracious I am a Google fan girl!

2. Where do you go from here?

Welp, I do plan to maintain my food blog and improve upon it since I have a few folks interested in it. I may also keep up with my Live Binders since they are pretty useful as well as the sites for creating flow charts. I can see myself needing those again.


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