Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thing 17: Tagging and social bookmarking with Delicious

So Thing 17 is simple enough. I need to create a Delicious account first, and let me tell you...

AHHHHH! Somehow I managed to jack up the Captcha like 5 times. FIVE TIMES! I swear I was typing it correctly but it wouldn't accept it so I had to click to give me a new one...but ok. Now that that's over...

Ok next thing that Thing 17 tells me is "Type in the tag "educational technology" in the search box. Explore the results and try clicking on a bookmark that has also been bookmarked by a lot of other users."

This one doesn't involve a Captcha so I think I'm alright :)  Box of Tricks caught my attention. This page is constantly updated and has a HUGE list of awesome websites! Holy cow! Seriously, click it. DO IT! I'll wait....

This particular site had 7 tags associated with it on Delicious. I can see this site being useful in the classroom since you can search for anything and find some awesome sites to use with your students. For example, I did a search for "teaching addition" and got a TON of results that could be useful later on down the road, or even for when I work with my little Natalya. In addition to finding them, you can bookmark them on your account. This is absolutely great, since I'm sure we've all had an experience where we had something bookmarked on our home computer then wanted to access it elsewhere...well now you have to try and remember the URL or do a search for's a pain! This would be an excellent tool for teachers since they can bookmark educational sites and access them no matter where they happen to be.

Question of the Day: Why do you think I've been using the "strike-thru" effect whenever I type my things?


  1. I like to think that you strike through things because you are taking them off of your daily check list of things that have to be accomplished.
