Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thing 19: Beyond Facebook: Other Social Networks

Alright so Thing 19 is an introduction to other social networks! The first one it talks about is Gather, which described itself as the “leading social networking and media site for adults, with some of the highest quality user-generated content on the internet.” It says that this site is in a debate format, meaning I need to stay far FAR away! I tend to get really competitive....

The focus of this thing is Ning, which is a site you can use to create your own social network! That's pretty neat! Now getting more specific, I need to check out Austin Peay's own site created through Ning, TeacherPop. I need to sign up and do a few things, so I'll be right back! OR maybe to sign up I have to get approval from an administrator. I'll go check my email and right back!

Ok so approval took just over a day so let's finish this! I left a comment for a classmate on there and uploaded my photo, thus fulfilling the royal decree of the Thing for the three questions:

  • Are you a member of any online communities? 
 Well I am a member of a forum called Clarksvegas as well as a website called the Consumerist. 
  • Are any of these social networks appealing to you? 
This question is referring to the list of social networks they suggested to me. I have to say no, because I don't have time to join and keep up with a bunch of stuff. I really don't.
  • What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later?
I do think TeacherPop is pretty neat. A site like that would be useful to me later on in my career I imagine.

Question of the Day: Do you belong to any social networking sites besides Facebook?

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