Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thing 15: What in the World is a Wiki?

Alrighty so Thing 15 is talking about Wikis. Now this is a term I've heard before, and have a basic idea of what it is, but here is the definition per my 23 Things page: A wiki is a collaborative website and authoring tool that allows users to easily add, remove and edit content.

So Thing 15 asks that I read into a few Wikis they have listed, then go to the APSU 23 Things Sandbox Wiki and either edit a post or create a new one. This raises a new question: what in the world is a sandbox wiki? Luckily the definition is right there on the page! Sandbox is a term that wikis often use to describe the area of the website that should be used for pure play and exploration.

I guess I'll start at the beginning and check out some of these Wikis. First I clicked on the Teacher Librarian Wiki. As the name suggests, this one is for librarians. I'm not particularly interested, if I may be honest, but there is something about this one that I like. The creator/moderator of this Wiki does not simply allow anyone to just edit anything they want; they have to email her their suggestion. This is definitely a good tactic to use when dealing with educational techniques you don't want things popping up that are...well less than education-related. 
The other one I decided to explore was Book Lovers Wiki. This one is cool for people who love books (duh). The reviews are organized by literary genre, making it super easy to see if they've reviewed a book that you're considering reading. My thing is, even though I appreciate reviews of books, movies, etc.., not everyone is going to have the same weird opinions as I do. A book they may give 2 stars to I might give 5. I guess I try to take reviews with a grain of salt. 

On to the fun part! I am supposed to either create a new, or edit an existing, entry on APSU 23 Things Sandbox Wiki. Yay....well here goes nothing! I just threw in my opinion about the first entry about Google Drive. I ♥LOVE♥ it! 

Question of the Day: Have you ever edited or created a Wiki?


  1. I have never edited or posted anything in Wiki. I actually had no idea that Wiki offered more than facts about history related stuff. Neat-o to know. I will have to check it out.

  2. I have never done anything with wiki but it looks like something worth checking out.
