Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thing 1: Lifelong Learning and Learning 2.0

Alright, here goes nothing! This is my first blog and I'm excited! In my Instructional Technology class,we have a large project called "23 Things". As you probably guessed, we have a list of 23 things to do, and as we do them we blog about them. I'll just jump right in with Thing I!

Thing 1: Open up the 7 1/2 Habits online tutorial and view the online tutorial. As you watch and listen, write down which habit among the 7 & 1/2 that is easiest for you and which is hardest.

For anyone who did not read the list, it is as follows:
1. Begin with the end in mind
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning
3. View problems as challenges
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
5. Create your own learning toolbox
6. Use technology to your advantage
7. Teach/mentor others
7 1/2. Play!

I must say that I find number 7 to be the easiest. I absolutely
♥LOVE♥ teaching and helping others, whether it's a child or an adult. Hence the profession I am going into!

Number 1 is the most difficult by far. I am the type of person to focus on NOW, rather than seeing the bigger picture. This is most definitely a habit I want to work on.

Question of the day-which do YOU consider to be the easiest and the hardest?


  1. I would have to say that 1 would be the hardest for me because im the one to focus on the now as well and not what can come out of it>6 would be the easiest for me since i love technology and am good with it so yea.

  2. I think the easiest one for me is playing, mostly because I'm pretty sarcastic as it is. I think the hardest would be viewing problems as challenges. I just want to plow through them.
