Monday, September 10, 2012

Thing 3: Register Your Blog

"How can I use a blog in my teacher education program or my future classroom?"

To me, this one is a no-brainer. Everything in today's world, to include education, is becoming more and more dependent on technology. By the time I graduate and begin teaching, paper newsletters will be a thing of the past. I imagine it will be much easier to set up a class blog and invite the children's parents to follow it. I will be able to let them know ahead of time about upcoming projects, important dates, etc.. and they will be able to leave their own feedback and ideas in the form of comments. When considering the middle and high school level, blogs could actually be used as assignments for students.

Question of the day-What technological advances to you foresee in the world of education by the year 2015?


  1. I can see ebooks being used more frequently, as it's becoming less and less common to use paper. I can also see more electronic workbooks being mandatory.

  2. I must agree with Mike. Everything is going paperless.

  3. I would have to agree with mike as well but i would also have to say that with all the technology being used. All that would have to happen is a technological his hap also and then it will all be screwed. That's why i think we should always depend on computer for everything and not be so lazy about doing work.

  4. I agree with Mike that it's becoming less and less common to use paper, but I also agree with Mike S in the sense that we shouldn't always depend on a computer. Computers get viruses, they crash, or they just don't work sometimes. Someone from another one of my classes said that teachers should stop being so lazy and just grade papers by hand instead of depending on the computer. Which I actually agree with. There could be instances where the computer may or may not catch an error on a child's homework. Also, it's a lot more personal as a student to have your teacher write "Good Job" on a test than some computer generated text. Technology will most likely be a big thing in 2015, but I really don't think we should depend on it for everything.

  5. Everything is ok in moderation, for sure. We don't need to become entirely dependent on computers for everything because, as Danielle pointed out, it is more personal to have something handwritten from the teacher. I think it's a win/win situation for everyone as long as the teacher continues to do his/her job properly and only uses computers when absolutely necessary.

  6. Something my college professors occasionally did was create an assignment that involved us reading a blog post by them and our grade depended on us responding to it in a comment. I enjoyed it. I like to use a variety of mediums to keep my brain engaged, and going from a paper handout, to an online video, to my textbook, to a blog post made learning far more entertaining for me. I do hope that those different mediums will be kept. I'd hate to see paper completely disappear!
